Teachers' Day Conference

Teachers' Day Conference

Who is it for?


Carol Read - How to survive and thrive as a language teacher of children
Teaching children can be stressful and exhausting and it’s not always easy to keep focussed on why we love our jobs so much! In this webinar, we’ll explore the role of teacher and children’s wellbeing in creating a positive and effective climate for learning. We’ll also look at a range of practical ideas and strategies to keep motivation high and allow teaching and learning to flourish.

Emma Reynolds - Mind full or Mindful? An introduction to Mindfulness for teachers
Let’s face it, being a teacher can at times be very stressful. Your mind can feel full to bursting with endless to-do lists and planning, with nights spent worrying about projects, meetings and students’ grades. Left unchecked, this feeling of overwhelm can lead to a variety of unwanted outcomes including illness and burn out. For teachers living in a fast-paced world with increasing demands on their attention and time, mindfulness offers the perfect opportunity to take a pause, to become more present and focused. Benefits of practicing mindfulness include; improved concentration, emotional intelligence, mental stamina, better sleep and life satisfaction. Sounds good, right? But can it be true? Why not join Emma and find out for yourselves what it’s all about? Get a better understanding of what stress is and how you can learn to calm the mind with simple techniques. It might just make you a little more skilful when dealing with life’s ups and downs. More Mindful, less mind full.

Amy Blanchard - Teaching EFL and EAP
In this session, Amy will discuss the difference between teaching EFL and EAP, offering tips, advice and practical ideas for teachers who wish to move into teaching at university. The session will look at techniques and activities for helping learners to structure their written work appropriately, and some practical ideas for teaching cohesion.

Chia Suan Chong - Making the most of the Teacher’s Book
What’s in a Teacher’s Book and what is it for? For some, the teacher’s book is something their school has paid for and sits on the shelf in the staffroom collecting dust. For others, the teacher’s book is an invaluable resource that contains useful information about the course. Chia Suan Chong decides to speak to the writers behind these teacher’s books and seeks to understand the role they play in a coursebook series. Then using examples from some current teacher’s books, she explores how we can better exploit the teacher’s book and use it as the resource it’s meant to be.

Jo Ramsden - Extending literacy beyond the classroom
Literacy texts can provide an excellent framework within which to develop not just language skills but also a range of key 21st century learning skills, including the ability to think critically, solve problems, think about the world around them and thus develop a deeper understanding of the world and their place in it.  In this session, we will explore positive strategies and demonstrate practical ideas to motivate your students through the use of real world texts to extend their learning beyond the walls of the classroom.

Russell Stannard - Collaboration and sharing: Ideas, approaches and technologies that can help.
The reason we collaborate and get students sharing ideas is because it is closely related to how we learn. Both Communicative Language Teaching and constructivist approaches to learn are based around students working together, sharing ideas, brainstorming. In this talk, Russell Stannard will look at some of the different levels of collaboration that can take place as well as some of the useful tools and approaches that can help to make collaboration work.


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

ICT tools and English Language Teaching

Tips for writing

Sport Handouts