ICT tools and English Language Teaching
ICT tools and English Language Teaching Advantages of working with ICT tools According to Pete Sharma and Barney Barret (2007), there are several reasons for using technology in language teaching. In addition to the fact that technology can be motivating, it offers the possibility to work autonomously or interact and collaborate with others. Technology also provides instant feedback on language performance in various tasks and exercises. Technology can also be an extension of the classroom and can be time saving. Finally, technology can promote language learning with fresh authentic and motivating materials directly usable from the Internet. Using blended learning, which they define as “a language course that combines a face-to-face classroom component with an appropriate use of technology”, Pete Sharma and Barney Barret (2007: 7) suggest that “positive learning outcomes are most apparent when clear roles are assigned to the teacher and to the technology.” In the following...
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